10 reasons to invest in Slovakia

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There are several reasons, why it is advantageous to make an investment and start a new business in Slovakia. You can find the summary of 10 reasons, why to invest in Slovakia that might seem attractive, below.


Excellent Location

Slovakia has a strategic location, right in the middle of Europe with connections to supply and sales markets.

Developed Infrastructure

Given the location of Slovakia, several important transport corridors pass through it. And taking into account further investments in infrastructure, it is assumed that Slovakia can become an important logistics hub in the region.


Security and Stability

Slovakia ranks among the EU countries with the lowest risk, specifically in the following categories: risk of political unrest, risk of state intervention in private property, currency and transfer risk.


Membership in the Eurozone

Since 2009, Slovakia has been a member of the Eurozone, which means for investors a reduction in administration, risk and costs associated with foreign currency.


Openness of the Economy

Based on data from Eurostat, Slovakia has one of the most open economies in the world. (The ratio of the value of export of goods to the country’s GDP has been evaluated.)

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Qualified and Available Labor Force

The labor force in Slovakia is generally qualified, well-equipped with languages ​​and cheaper, compared to the western countries.

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Labor Productivity

Compared to other countries in the region, Slovakia achieves the highest labor productivity. Data are drawn from OECD sources.

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The Innovative Power of the Economy and the Transfer of Technologies

Slovakia has been recently significantly investing in the new technologies. Another advantage of the workforce in Slovakia is its high adaptability to new technologies. Which also represents high potential of the country in this area for the future.

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Improving Business Environment

The continuous adoption of anti-bureaucratic laws is also reflected in the ever-improving position of Slovakia in the Global Competitiveness Ranking (World Economic Forum), which evaluates the business environment.

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Support Mechanisms

Slovakia offers a number of support mechanisms for the development of individual regions or tax benefits for investments in research and development area.


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